Monday, March 5, 2007

Preparing for Spring Break

If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values-- that all reality hinges on moral foundations and that all has spiritual control
-- Martin Luther King

I know this is painfully close to using a blog to say what I had for breakfast, but bear with me:
I'm getting ready for Spring Break! I have a lot of different papers to write. I'm going to tell you about them so that you can teach me anything you know.

1) I'm writing on The Health Impact of Mining in South Africa. I want to look particularly at the disintegration of the family and community structure.

2) One paper (the big one) on the difference between theory and practice in the ethics of resource allocation (that is, even if ethically it would make more sense to give someone who is more likely to survive a space in the bed, if a near dead person occupies the bed, they won't necessarily make that person move for the sake of what is right theoretically)

3) In nutrition, I have 3 projects: Food insecurity and Childhood HIV/AIDS were assigned to me as group projects; my final paper is about changes in diet after migration-- If refugees who move into an environment that has completely different foods and massive life changes, does this lead to bad health. In many parts of Boston is really difficult to get affordable vegetables, for example, and the vegetables may be very different from what many refugees/immigrants are accustomed to.

4) In SB, I am doing a critique on the "breast is best" campaign, which equates breastfeeding with being a good mother. This makes it very difficult for women who choose not to breastfeed.

Telling you what I'm thinking about makes it almost seem as though I'm ACTUALLY thinking about them! Next step, writing!

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