Saturday, June 2, 2007

On NY, Plants, Graduation and Spring Cleaning in Summer (Not in order of importance)

Last Thursday we had a short visit to NY to see Sam. He treated us to Mamma Mia- my first musical in NY! It was good seeing Sam, and seeing the ship. I think meeting Sam in NY is always a time when I am amazed how quickly and dramatically our lives can change (the externals, at least). NY always makes me think about how lucky I am because it's very obviously a world center, in a more obnoxious way than London or Cape Town or Milan. Eug and I also saw my cousin, which was lovely.

This past Friday was graduation at Wellesley. Madeleine Albright gave the speech and Gladys graduated. This the last year where I really have people I know and love graduating-- next year will be a bit strange I think.

We've begun Spring cleaning, finally. It's like we're moving in again-- and we've only lived in our place 6 months (less than).

In other news... our plants are doing well. There have been a few deaths but nothing major, considering the conditions. It's a pretty good challenge to learn to be healthy and well-balanced in Boston. In Durban it was relatively easy so I took a lot for granted-- even the basil grew faster than you can imagine! But here it's not quite as quick. I'm going to try and visit the farm where we got a share to begin our vegetable eating summer. It's going to be great.

Ok, I have a few more pictures but I'll stop here. We're so excited about Durban and Cape Town in less than a month! Yeah!

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