Wednesday, December 5, 2007



We've just been through Thanksgiving, and a wonderful three days with my sister. I'm soon going to be finished with my MPH, and I want to write more here, and keep in touch better. Also write a bit deeper stuff-- which is sometimes hard to do, not?

But in the meantime, a small update:
Recently, I've discovered libraries outside. They have amazing DVDs, books and eresources. The major eresource I'm hoping to use is the RosettaStone language software. Online access allows you to study any of about 12 different major language, so I'm hoping to go through the Arabic course after school ends.

One library DVD: We watched "God grew tired of us." It's the story of a few Sudanese "lost boys" who were resettled from a refugee camp to different cities in the USA. The title is from a line in the movie, one of the stars said, "I felt that God had grown tired of us, grown tired of all the bad things we were doing and decided to finish us. God grew tired of us." It was a tragic notion. Watch it if you get the chance-- few documentaries invest the time that this one did, following people all the way from the Kenyan refugee camp to the USA.

Love, Jo


Bobsie Hunter said...

Hooray!!! love you Mom

ExMi said...

Have browsed through all your blogs - very entertaining....!!!

anyway, just wanted to invite you to join The South African Bloggers Network -

still new, still recruiting...

sign up, so we can all hook up!

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