Saturday, June 9, 2007

Historically important days: 9 June 2007

I've been looking for a plot of land to begin a African women's community gardern/agriculture project, and, beyond all expectations, we were offered a plot in less than a week. It's 3 raised boxes (enough for a few rows of veggies) on the roof of Boston Medical Center. The possibilities are endless! Amazing.

Friday, June 8, 2007

The Coming Week


I'm pretty excited about next week: my parents are going to be here. Last time they came it was really rushed and crazy because Eugene and I were about to get married. This time we can relax and enjoy the summer for a week together.

The house is still a bit of a disaster area, but the cupboard looks great.

So, this week had 3 main new beginnings:
I went with ummanim to Busa farm and got 3 varieties of bell pepper plants. I read that it's possible to grow bell peppers in containers-- don't know if that's true but I'm going to try.

I began a new part time job today. One day a week I'm coordinating a medical residency program and trying to design a good curriculum. I think it's hard to know what it will be like, but I want to learn and apply myself to what has to be done. I realised one major challenge is to stay out of the politics of an office without being self-righteous or high and mighty.

I began a new blog: The Concrete Gardener ( I'm trying to learn about urban gardening and urban living-- really thinking about what health means, particularly as a Christian. I would like for it to become a resource, and so have a wider audience and maybe one day make money for Eug and I. A way to learn, reflect, and put something out. For now, I'm just trying to dedicate time to write one post a week.

Thanks for reading and keeping me updated on your lives.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

On NY, Plants, Graduation and Spring Cleaning in Summer (Not in order of importance)

Last Thursday we had a short visit to NY to see Sam. He treated us to Mamma Mia- my first musical in NY! It was good seeing Sam, and seeing the ship. I think meeting Sam in NY is always a time when I am amazed how quickly and dramatically our lives can change (the externals, at least). NY always makes me think about how lucky I am because it's very obviously a world center, in a more obnoxious way than London or Cape Town or Milan. Eug and I also saw my cousin, which was lovely.

This past Friday was graduation at Wellesley. Madeleine Albright gave the speech and Gladys graduated. This the last year where I really have people I know and love graduating-- next year will be a bit strange I think.

We've begun Spring cleaning, finally. It's like we're moving in again-- and we've only lived in our place 6 months (less than).

In other news... our plants are doing well. There have been a few deaths but nothing major, considering the conditions. It's a pretty good challenge to learn to be healthy and well-balanced in Boston. In Durban it was relatively easy so I took a lot for granted-- even the basil grew faster than you can imagine! But here it's not quite as quick. I'm going to try and visit the farm where we got a share to begin our vegetable eating summer. It's going to be great.

Ok, I have a few more pictures but I'll stop here. We're so excited about Durban and Cape Town in less than a month! Yeah!