Thursday, February 15, 2007

Taking the bus and T

Yesterday was the first proper storm of the winter, and it's left the paths iced over. Snow trucks were clearing all night. It is about -10 C today. The snow is fine but the problem is that the snow quickly turns to these thick layers of ice that make walking perilous. Our neighborhood is pretty quiet and the junior primary school across the street is still closed from the storm. I'll try to take a picture of our street so you can see. Today I'm wearing 5 layers. I miss Durbs especially on days like this!

Like many (or most?) Boston residents, I sometimes take the bus and subway to get to university (less now than before I got married). I really like taking public transport because I see the same people on the bus, and people start to get friendlier. While I'm on the T I feel like I'm part of something big, think about other people (who are outside my small circle) and pray for a few minutes for them, myself and for this city.

Not that you need to know every detail, but I'll tell you anyway: I basically walk a bit (to Star Market), take a bus to Harvard then take the red line to Park Street then the green line, either to Copley (centre of town, near the medical campus) or BU. So it takes a while.

There's a musician in the Harvard T who I really like to listen to. I think he's from Mali or Senegal. I'll ask if he minds if I take a picture of him, too.Did you know that Tracy Chapman started out by playing in the Harvard T?

The picture is by Jane Lindholm, who described this picture as trying to notice the details in life (from

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