Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sorry for absence

Things have been busy recently-- I'm sure for you as well. This is just a catchup, you know I'm alive and well sort of thing.

I read a really awesome book by Philip Yancey, Rumors. It's essentially about how we long for another world, and how what we see in the world today are shadows of what God has for us.

For me it's a reminder that we don't have to be sure about what we see, we don't have to have perfect eyesight or perfect vision in this life, nor do we have to believe we do. We can look forward to a time when we will see more clearly.

Also, at church Sunday morning I heard some thing very powerful. The fear of God is to be concerned about what God has to say about each situation in your life. God wants to be involved in the tough stuff. These were the notes I had in answer to "How to Experience a Great Life in the Midst of Troubles"
Go straight to God and ask God for help
Do everything you can to bring peace to people around you
Embrace hope and shun despair
Invite others to celebrate God's goodness with you.

This message was from Psalm 34 (Mrs Schoor's favourite Psalm) so I was really touched because I remembered (though only second hand) how she lived this out in a simple way-- so I know from her testimony that we can do this.

1 comment:

Bobsie Hunter said...

thanks.. glad you are alive... & electricity eventually worked again yesterday! May God grant us the ability to live as HE wants with no baggage weighing us down.
love you