Saturday, September 22, 2007

Glory's memorial service

Here's a picture of Glory from Eugene and my wedding. I was so grateful she could be there (Theresa is on the left, Wonhee on the right).

Although the funeral was heartbreaking, it also showed a life that was already complete and beautiful. Her transplant doctor seemed broken that the second transplant had caused her so much pain and yet been unsuccessful. Her second umbilical cord transplant was a very new treatment. Many people said how she had thought of them and their wellbeing even in her most difficult times. I can also testify to that. Although I wasn't there at all the past 3 months so I can't know, but I thought that she could think of other people because she had already worked through her own stuff, and she was already living as she would even if it were last day here on earth.

One person, who had known Glory since before she first had bonecancer at age 14, said that she was a small, quiet, good little girl. She said, how could it be that this little girl became an incredibly powerful woman? She said it must be that Glory allowed things to happen as they happened, and allowed God to shape her in the midst of everything she went through. She was an ordinary person made extraordinary by the way that she dealt with difficult circumstances. She inspired many many people. One person who had also had cancer, and had also relapsed in the past, said that he had tried to deal with things through theology and logic-- working through difficult times through knowledge and faith that God is sovereign. He said, not that that isn't true, but Glory helped him to realise that he could also get through his treatment in a very human way, knowing that God had given him enjoyment in some moments-- spending time with Glory waiting for treatment, laughing together. I am not sure I'm explaining it very well, but I thought that what he said was a profound truth, that God does not expect us to be more than human, but only expects hopes for us to be humans who are living first of all in relation to God.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Our friend Glory passed away this morning during her fourth fight against cancer, as a result of complications with kidney dialysis. She was so strong and lived a really beautiful life, without trying to stand out too much. She was so Godly in a very genuine way. She was a really amazing student at Wellesley. She managed to never make her cancer the focus of any situation-- even one time I was visiting specifically because she was sick she was concerned about my well-being as much as her own. I'm so grateful for the brief time I had to know her.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


See what no eye can see, go where no foot can go, choose that which is no choice–then you may hear what makes no sound–God’s voice.

- Angelus Silsius (Quoted in How Shall We Live by Joan Chittister, OSB)

Classes started yesterday. Yeah!

At my work we're thinking about how to reach out to Somali parents to tell them about how they can get help for their children, if their children are struggling. Some children are not coping well because of their experiences in refugee camps, experiences of the civil war, etc. What's interesting is that a lot of parents believe that problems are related to not being obedient and in touch with God. As a result, they may not want to look for other kinds of help because they feel like they should just struggle through.

I thought this was interesting because it was so similar to a lot of Christians. God is with us, God has healed us of all our pain before we even ask, but I strongly believe we also have to work through things-- deaths, relationships, work, study-- in a healthy way. We can't just expect things to go away if we pray about them. Rather, we have to have faith in the end result, but really have to work hard at the things in the middle, so that we can retain or regain the joy that we're promised. I would like to have this approach with the things I go through, and also with other people who need support. Empathy is a powerful thing.

Thank you for praying for me, and for Eugene and I. Please continue to lift us up in prayer, as we lift you up, too. It's an awesome way to have fellowship together.

Yesterday I went over Day 5 of Purpose Driven Life. It has a lot more meaning trying to go through the book a second time, I highly recommend trying it out twice. Anyway, it emphasizes that Christians should approach life as a test. From this perspective, events are meant as a training time. Two verses (Using the Message translation) stood out:
God keeps his promise, and he will not test you beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out.
Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness.

Have an great Wednesday!